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How to Write With Spanish Accents in Google Draw

Unlike accent marks which simply guide pronunciation, putting a tilde on top of the letter n in Spanish actually forms a different letter, called eñe. The eñe appears in all sorts of common Spanish words, like "Español", "año", "campagña," and many others. Your company might be in the business of producing and printing important business documents in Spanish, in which case upholding the proper spelling of words that feature the eñe is important. Even if you're a Spanish speaker, typing the eñe in a timely and efficient manner isn't always easy, especially if you're using a common keyboard in the US and not a Spanish keyboard.

Here are the most common and useful ways you can add a tilde on the letter n on your keyboard, so you can efficiently and accurately draft documents using the proper spelling of Spanish words.

How to Type N With a Tilde

How to type an eñe , or n with a tilde, depends on the type of computer you are using, but there are a few different methods across both PC and Mac to add the notorious n with a squiggle. Whether your business runs on PC or on Mac, it's not an obvious answer, as neither format in the U.S. features the n with a tilde on the actual keyboard itself. To begin, let's start with the PC.

How to Make N With a Tilde on a PC

There are a few different methods that should work to create the eñe on a PC. The first is the Control method, but this is a newer addition, and might only be applicable when processing documents in Microsoft Office. The other is the Numlock method, which takes a little more background, but should work with most PC computers.

The Control Method

To create the eñe using the control method, begin by holding down the Control button. Then, select the tilde key, which as you know looks like ~ and is usually in the top left section of most keyboards. Finally, press the letter n all at the same time, and the eñe should appear, turning your typical letter n into an n with tilde. If you want to create an uppercase version, hold the Shift key when you press the letter n, and the uppercase Ñ should appear.

If for some reason you don't have an n with squiggle when you do the above, then try it again, but make sure to hold the control and tilde keys the entire time without letting go too soon. This is a new method, so if it's still not working, it might be because you have an older version of Windows or Microsoft Office . In that instance, the numlock method, which taps into the ASCII code built into every computer, should work for you.


The term ASCII refers to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange , which is a standard encoding method used in all computers and in other telecommunication devices. Essentially, the ASCII code ensures that every text character on your keyboard is mapped out to a corresponding three-digit number. This means that you can access any character from your keyboard by pressing the appropriate three-digit code.

The ASCII code is built into most PC computers, and it's especially useful for quickly inserting uncommon symbols that might not have their own keys on your computer's built-in keyboard. It does require some knowledge and memorization of the codes, so it is not always the most convenient method. For one-off memorizations of characters like the eñe , it should do just fine.

It's also important to note that you can't access the ASCII code from your normal top row of numbers. Instead, you need to use your number pad.

The Numlock Method

Begin by opening the document you are currently working on. Next, press the Num Lock button on your keyboard so that your Num Lock is turned on. Usually there is an indicator light of some kind to indicate that it is on as opposed to off. Now, place your cursor at the point where you plan on inserting the eñe.

Next, to access the ASCII code, you'll need to press and hold the Alt key. This will allow you to type in the corresponding number set on the number pad that correlates with whatever special character you want to insert. In this instance, the eñe.

In ASCII, for a lowercase eñe , the numerical code is 164. So, in your word processor, you should press and hold Alt until you finish typing the number 164 in the number pad to get the ñ to appear. To insert an upper case eñe, or Ñ, hold Alt and type 165. Once you've done it a couple of times, your muscle memory should take over, making this method a good alternative, if your PC isn't up to date on the control method.

How to Make N with Tilde on a Mac

Now it's time to review how to create the eñe on a Mac. If you are operating a Mac with the typical US keyboard layout , this should be quite simple. Similar to the control method, on a Mac, you will use the Option button instead of Control.

To begin, open your word processor and press Option as well as the letter n. It should create this symbol: ˜ Instead of an n with a squiggle, it's a squiggle without the n. No, you didn't do something wrong, this is referred to as a dead key by computer programmers, and it means that you need to type the letter you want to use with the tilde - in this instance, the letter n.

Try it again. Hold Option and the letter n, and then type n again. The eñe should now fill in underneath the tilde. Essentially, you are telling your keyboard to add a tilde, followed by the letter you want to add underneath it (even though they are technically different keys) . To create an uppercase eñe, or Ñ, apply the same method, only when you go to type the letter n the second time, hold Shift to make it uppercase.

Other Spanish Characters on Mac

If you are looking to add other Spanish characters to your documents from your Mac, you can use the same dead key method, but with a twist. Say you want to create an e with accent marks, like this: é. Hold Option and then press the letter e. The accent will appear, but there will be no e underneath it, as such: ´ Press e again, and the e will fill in underneath the accent, creating an e with accent.

But say you want to insert the letter á. If you hold Option and the letter a, this will appear: å. That's a different symbol. Instead, for any vowel you want to add an accent, hold Option and the letter e, and then type the vowel. For example, to type á, hold Option and the letter e, and then type a, and you'll create the á.

While it may seem like you will create an e with and accent mark , accessing the accent mark character is coded by pressing Option and e, so any vowel that comes after it will have an accent mark added to it.

The Copy and Paste Method

As a last resort, you can, of course, always copy the eñe from another document or resource. However, if you are drafting a large quantity of documents in Spanish, it can get cumbersome and tedious to constantly need to refer back to another document for the character you need.

We recommend memorizing the proper keystrokes so you can quickly and easily insert an eñe into whatever document you are writing with ease.

Program a Spanish Keyboard

If you are a Spanish speaker using Spanish letters on a consistent basis, configuring your keyboard to a Spanish keyboard might be the most efficient for you. To set this up, you first must go into your Settings or System Preferences, depending on what type of computer you have (Mac or PC). The directions are slightly different for each.

Spanish Keyboard for PC

From your Start Menu, click on Settings, and select the Time and Language section. From there, go through the Region and Language section, and click Options on the English section to Add a Keyboard. There should be an option to choose Spanish. Select it, and click OK.

Spanish Keyboard for Mac

Select your System Preferences section, and look for the icon called Keyboard. From there, you can edit your keyboard from the Input Sources section. Here, you can add the Spanish keyboard by clicking the + sign to add Spanish as an additional option. Once you've selected Spanish, click Add. If you check the box to Show Input Menu in Menu Bar, you will now be able to choose between Spanish and English keyboards from the top bar of your Mac.

If you don't select the Show Input Menu in Menu Bar option, you will have to memorize the keystrokes necessary to switch between the two.

Difference Between Spanish and English Keyboards

The big difference between Spanish and English keyboards is that your apostrophe key will no longer function the same way. Instead, the apostrophe key will immediately correlate to whatever vowel follows it. Similar to the Option and e method on the mac, any time you press the apostrophe key and then a vowel, it will add an accent to it. If you actually do want to use an apostrophe, use the hyphen key next to your 0.

To create the eñe on a Spanish keyboard, press the semicolon key. If you want to use an actual semicolon, press and hold shift when you press the comma key.

If you want to use an umlaut, or ü, the quotation mark key will function the same way to the apostrophe key. To use quotes, hold Shift followed by the number 2.

How to Write With Spanish Accents in Google Draw
